Jerked beef Cambuí Pizza

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Jerked beef Cambuí Pizza


1 pizza disk
400g of jerked beef Cambuí
200g grated mozzarella
½ chopped onion
100 gr of cream cheese
1 Tomato Sauce
1 sliced tomato
Basil to taste
Olive oil for sautéing

Jerked Beef: Flat


Let jerked beef soak in a bowl of water for 1 hour for desalting. In a pan, put a little olive oil, onion and saute the meat. Distribute the tomato sauce over the surface of the dough, spread the jerked beef Cambuí and put the cheese, and cream cheese. Before baking, pour a little olive oil and garnish with olives.


    55+ (35) 3473-3140   Estrada Municipal s/n, Rio do Peixe, Cambuí - MG

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